addi Unicorn Circular Fixed Knitting Needles – a review

addi Unicorn Circular Fixed Knitting Needles – a review

addi created their Unicorn Circular Fixed Knitting Needles to gently massage the hands and bring a touch of fairytale magic as you knit. The knitting needles come in 2.0 to 8.0mm with lengths ranging from 60cm to 150cm.

Online knitting supplies retailer Laughing Hens sent me a set of 4mm, 80cm addi Unicorn Circular Fixed Knitting Needles to test and review; since they arrived I’ve used them for all my 4mm knitting needle needs.

I was intrigued by the look and feel of the Unicorn needles – the metal is incredibly smooth but with a slight undulation you can both see and feel. The yarn isn’t at all hindered by the texture on the shaft of the needles and I’ve found I quite like the sensation of knitting with these needles although whether it does, as they claim, bring comfort to arthritis sufferers I couldn’t say.

The needles have quite a well rounded tip which meant I had to concentrate on accurately knitting 2 stitches together at times and the one round of knit 3 together proved a bit of a challenge. If you like a sharp point on your needles, these aren’t for you, but otherwise they were a joy to knit with and I think they’ll also be ideal for the children when I finally persuade one of them to give knitting a try.

Over the past month, amongst other things, I’ve knitted small hair bows in DK weight acrylic, a couple of dresses for Barbie in the round using magic loop and light worsted weight acrylic yarn and a shawl in 4ply weight wool yarn.

These addi Unicorn knitting needles are all about the spiral horn i.e. the tips but the bubblegum pink cable is the perfect pairing in both colour and flexibility. I can knit almost anything with an 80cm cable like this one including, short flat pieces, long flat pieces and in the round using magic loop. These needles have been stuffed into my knitting bag and been everywhere with me including the school run, coffee shops and the sofa and they don’t seem to mind at all.

Would I swap my regular interchangeable knitting needle set for these? Probably not but I would consider adding a pair in each of the sizes I use most frequently to my collection. I had forgotten the ease of working with fixed circular needles particularly when on the go.

This pair of knitting needles were supplied by Laughing Hens for the purpose of the review, the opinions are all my own.

Visit Laughing Hens for all of your Knitting & Crochet needs
Visit Laughing Hens for all of your Knitting & Crochet needs

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