7 strand Kumihimo braiding on a burntstuff Trollen wheel

7 strand Kumihimo braiding on a burntstuff Trollen wheel

Getting my children, and their friends, into yarn crafts is one my primary missions as a mother. Last Summer the children and I learned to do a 7 strand Kumihimo braid on a homemade cardboard disc. Given my extensive DK weight acrylic yarn stash this was a cheap and easy playdate activity. However, the cardboard was really only good for one braid. Curious to try out other Kumihimo braids I went searching for budget friendly sturdier alternatives and discovered the Trollen Wheels at burntstuff. In no time at all I had a pair of laser cut wooden discs, one with eight slots and the other with 32.

There are several good videos for the 7 strand Kumihimo or ‘fill the gap’ braid including this favourite from Red Ted Art Easy Friendship Bracelets with Cardboard

Cut 7 strands of yarn to a length roughly 3 times that of the desired finished braid.
Tie them together near to one end with an overhand knot.
Push the knot through the hole then fill 7 of the 8 slots (or every 4th slot in the 32 slot disc leaving one space empty).
*Turn the disc so the empty space is facing you.
Counting clockwise, take the 3rd strand from the empty slot and move it to the empty space.*
Repeat until yarn is nearly used up or braid is desired length.
Remove yarns from disc and tie knot in end.

It’s half term here this week so we’ll be taking our wheels out and about and hopefully learning new braids on the 32 slot wheel.